Storytelling defines us. It defines our personal identities and our region’s identity.
Imagine if all Northlanders told stories about Northland, from the heart – if we could all speak knowledgeably, confidently, and passionately on Northland’s history, identity and attractions. Not only would this elevate our region and attract visitors for longer, boosting the economy, but for Northland locals, the types of skills, attitudes, progressive mindsets, and personal identity gained by learning to tell Northland’s rich stories through a tertiary qualification, is beyond price.
The QRC Certificate in Tourism Operations Level 4 is a 17-week course that introduces students to the New Zealand tourism industry and the art of telling Northland’s tourism story. Students will gain the skills to enhance the visitor experience and apply the concept of manaakitanga in a tourism context. They will experience and evaluate tourism activities first-hand – from learning the history of Kupe and the Treaty of Waitangi, to familiarisation visits spent sandboarding and kayaking in the far reaches of Northland. No matter the workplace – whether they work for an activity provider, restaurant, museum, food producer, or other – being a storyteller for Northland brings both tangible and intangible benefits to both individuals and to Northland as a region.
How do I become a part of the Tourism Operations Certificate?
Keen to take your place on the course or interested in becoming involved as an activity provider?
Find out more detail needed about applying, as a student and as an activity provider. Increase your knowledge base of the region and showcase local products and services, and be upskilled in and share historical stores of the entire Northland region.
How did the Tourism Operations Certificate come into being?
A population of storytellers: the way forward for regional tourism
The Bay of Islands (BOI) Marketing Group used the lull in visitor numbers to launch a revolutionary idea it had been brewing for some time: upskill the people by turning them into storytellers.