

Discover unparalleled luxury at the Bay of Islands’ premier 5-star, gold-rated boutique lodge. Immerse yourself in elegance with our opulent king beds, savor delectable à la carte breakfasts in our sophisticated dining room, and unwind in our solar-heated lagoon pool, all nestled within 1.5 acres of lush tropical gardens.

Perfectly situated for exploring Paihia’s stunning bay tours and the historic Waitangi Treaty Grounds, our lodge also offers easy access to the natural splendor of the Puketi Kauri Forests and the enchanting five waterfall walks from Kerikeri’s Kororipo Heritage Park. Venture further north to Cape Reinga to uncover pristine, untouched bays and beaches with powdery white sands and crystal-clear turquoise waters.

Indulge in a unique and unforgettable New Zealand escape at our exquisite boutique lodge, where every detail is crafted to make your stay exceptional.


Private Rooms
Luxury Accommodation
Smart TV
Swimming Pool
Air Conditioning
Adults only
Eco Conscious

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462 Kerikeri Rd, Kerikeri, Bay of Islands
+64 9 929 5921
+64 22 079 0210

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